soil & crop

Fertility Management Company


Grape Program

This grape program is intended for informational use only.  For the best possible results tailored to meet your needs and soil type, check with your Grower's Source™ representative for specific recommendations.

Ground Application



32 oz N2-GROW

*Alkali/Sodium Soil: 32 oz OVERHAUL™ per acre.

Water management and nutrient uptake

These water management tools aid in air and water exchange critical to stimulating microorganisms in preparation for planting.  They also contain formulated enzyme complexes that stimulate rapid microbiological activity, which is critical to soil aggregation and air and water management.  Increased microbial life will enhance nutrient release to the plant. OVERHAUL™ will reduce chemical carryover problems.

Mid-Season Foliar Spray



Apply 16 oz. BOLT™ per acre, sprayed on leaves and vines. One gallon KTS per acre.

Tank mix with mid-season chemicals and nutrient sprays.

Increase grape sugar content and quality

At this stage grape plants are very active in development.  Nutrient intake is critical to prepare for grape harvest.

BOLT™ is a versatile product used in many ways.  By applying it throughout the season, it increases plant vigor and health and increase sugar quality and content.  Its compatibility and versatile timing makes it an easy addition to other tank mixes already being applied.

Fruit Set



Apply 32 oz. BOLT™ per acre.

One gallon KTS per acre.

To set and hold grapes

The plants need the beneficial nutrients and trace minerals in BOLT™ to set and hold grapes.  It also enhances the plants ability to withstand cooler temperatures and aids healing from weather factors.  BOLT™ increases carbohydrates of plants to aid in setting and holding fruit.

Fungicide or Insecticide



8 oz.  N2-GROW™ or 16 oz WILDFIRE™ per 100 gallons tank mix

Enhance herbicides

N2-GROW™ helps make the herbicides act in a systemic way for longer retention and kill effects.  SSS™ works well with fungicides. Most farmers extend spray program 2-4 days beyond normal rotation, eliminating two or three sprayings per season.  WILDFIRE works to make contact herbicides work as intended.

NOTE: We suggest using lowest recommended label rate of the fungicide, insecticides and herbicides.

16 oz. SSS per 100 gallon tank mix

Enhance fungicides for mold and mildew

Post-Harvest Vine Recovery



2-4 lbs. FOLIARFEED per acre sprayed on leaves with one gallon KTS

Revitalize plants for the next year

Plants need renewal of elements used in reproduction to recover and store for the next season's harvest.

Herbicide Spray Program

Apply 16 fl. oz. WILDFIRE™ per 100 gallon tank mix with contact herbicides.

Fungicide Spray Program

Apply 16 - 32 fl. oz. SSS™ per 100 gallon tank mix with fungicide.

Note about Spraying:

We strongly recommend using an adjuvant with your spray program. Grower's Source™ specialty surfactants (SSS™, N2-GROW™, WILDFIRE™, INSECT-X-CITER™) have proven cost effective with spray applications of chemicals (fungicides, herbicides, pesticides) to allow lowest label rates with better results. The synergy can add potency and extend the chemical life and have allowed some growers to experiment and get exceptional results with well under label rates.

Please ask your Grower's Source™ representative for the appropriate product for your needs and grower's experiences in your area.